feature listfrom | the New York Times2005The most blogged-about books.

no. 13 | Ray Kurzweil
January 1, 2024


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publication: the New York Times
story: The most blogged-about books.
date: 2005

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company: News corp.
division: Dow Jones
publication: the New York Times

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This list is a selection of books most frequently covered by book bloggers. We surveyed 5,000 of the most-read blogs to create this top 20 list.

the New York Times

no. 13 ::

book: the Singularity is Near
deck: When humans transcend biology.
author: by Ray Kurzweil
genre: non-fiction
year: 2005


The full list.

1. |

book: Freakanomics
deck: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything.
author: by Steven D. Levitt + Stephen J. Dubner
genre: non-fiction

2. |

book: Harry Potter and the half-blood prince.
deck: book 6
author: by JK Rowling
genre: fiction

3. |

book: Blink
deck: The power of thinking without thinking.
author: by Malcolm Gladwell
genre: non-fiction

4. |

book: The world is flat.
deck: A brief history of the 21st century.
author: by Thomas L. Friedman
genre: non-fiction

5. |

book: Getting things done.
deck: The art of stress-free productivity.
author: by David Allen
genre: non-fiction

6. |

book: Collapse
deck: How societies choose to fail or succeed.
author: by Jared Diamond
genre: non-fiction

7. |

book: Blog
deck: Understanding the information reformation that’s changing your world.
author: by Hugh Hewitt
genre: non-fiction

8. |

book: Guns, germs, and steel: The fates of human societies
author: by Jared Diamond

9. |

book: The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference
author: by Malcolm Gladwell

10. |

book: The da Vinci code
author: by Dan Brown

11. |

book: State of fear
author: by Michael Crichton (HarperCollins, December 2004)

12. |

book: The wisdom of crowds: Why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies and nations
author: by James Surowiecki (Doubleday, May 2004)

13. |

book: The singularity is near
deck: When humans transcend biology
author: by Ray Kurzweil

14. |

book: 1984
author: by George Orwell (Signet)

15. |

book: The chronicles of Narnia
author: by C. S. Lewis (HarperTrophy)

16. |

book: Unhinged: Exposing liberals gone wild
author: by Michelle Malkin (Regnery, October 2005)

17. |

book: What’s the matter with Kansas?: How conservatives won the heart of America
author: by Thomas Frank (Metropolitan Books, June 2004)

18. |

book: Help! Mom! There are liberals under my bed
author: by Katharine DeBrecht (Kids Ahead, September 2005)

19. |

book: Podcasting: The do it yourself guide
author: by Todd Cochrane (Wiley, August 2005)

20. |

book: The fairtax book
author: by Neil Bortz and Jon Lender (Regan, August 2005)